Welcome to the fourth annual Oh! the Places You’ll Go Giveaway Hop, hosted by The Kids Did It and The Mommy Island.
The theme of this hop is back to school. It’s something that seems both appropriate and not. Let me explain…
The schools here went back yesterday, August 5. That just seems OMG incredibly early. (They also get out in May, so it does all work out.)
But, but, but…I remember going back to school a month from now – just after Labor Day. Then again, I remember that schools mostly weren’t air conditioned back in the dark ages when I went, so they had to close during the heat of the summer. Cincy doesn’t get quite as hot as Atlanta – but it does get plenty hot in July and August. The last days in June and the first days in September could be fairly beastly even with that schedule.
When someone says “back to school” when does that make you think of? Answer in the rafflecopter for your chance at your choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or a $10 Book from the Book Depository.
For more terrific Back to School prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!