Scaredy Cat Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Scaredy Cat Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

At Chez Reading Reality, the poster child for this year’s spooky season is Luna. Which would be a bit more appropriate if it were “spooked” season instead of spooky. As you can see from the picture, she’s not at all spooky, but during last week’s storm she was very, very spooked. Clearly, now that all the sturm und drang is over, she doesn’t have a care in the world – but that certainly wasn’t true just last week!

Luna is very fortunate that Halloween is NOT intended to be a fireworks holiday, but clearly we’ll be keeping a concerned eye on her at New Year’s – which absolutely is one around here. I’d say maybe she’ll be lucky and it will rain but that won’t actually help the poor little thing.

Hurricane season – even just the tail end of it that we generally get, isn’t something that Miss Luna is looking forward to this or any other year. Of course, neither are her humans, but we have a slightly better grasp of what’s actually going on. I’m not sure about getting her a thundershirt – or to be more accurate I’m not sure about getting her INTO a thundershirt – but we may try it the next time we can get enough warning of a big storm.

I am, however, definitely looking forward to the Halloween decorations. Someone in the neighborhood has a ghost on their lawn that looks like it already got ‘busted’. What are you most looking forward to – or least – this Halloween season? Answer in the rafflecopter for a chance at one of Reading Reality’s usual prizes, the winner’s choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more ‘scary’ prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

43 thoughts on “Scaredy Cat Giveaway Hop

  1. I enjoy the cooler weather. I enjoy that it is the beginning of baking season as many of those I make things for love pumpkin foods. I love the beauty of the trees as they have the changing color of their leaves.

  2. I love to decorate and enjoying seeing the kids dressed up. Our first great grandbaby born in June will be celebrating her 1st Halloween.

  3. My favorite thing about the Halloween season is the sense of fun and creativity it brings. I love dressing up in costumes, decorating with spooky or playful themes, and the excitement of carving pumpkins. There’s something special about everyone getting into the festive spirit, from haunted houses to fun parties and trick-or-treating.

  4. Well, I went all out last Halloween- candies, decorations, even a trinket bag of various dollar store items for kids with allergies- not a soul showed up.
    Not sure if I’ll bother this time.

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