Falling into Leaves Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Falling into Leaves Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

Fall is definitely FELL around here – even in Atlanta. Although that just means its down in the mid-70s for the daytime high. But still, there’s a bit of a nip in the air, and it’s just about time to get out the flannel sheets. (I’m personally VERY unfond of the ‘sheet shock’ that results from putting one’s bare toes between cotton sheets in the winter. My feet get COLD! BRRR!)

Still, I’m looking forward to the fall temperatures, because they make it so lovely to be cozy. Hecate was napping in my lap over the weekend and she makes for a very warm and autumn colored little bundle!

What about you? What part of Fall are you most looking forward to? Or not, as the case might be! Answer in the rafflecopter for a chance at one of Reading Reality’s usual prizes, the winner’s choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more fabulous fall prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

The Sunday Post AKA What’s on my (Mostly Virtual) Nightstand 9-15-24

Hecate is often the “odd kitty out” in our cat pictures. She’s never been an only child, but it’s really clear that she’d prefer to be. She certainly is our problem child, as in the last two weeks we’ve discovered that she a)has crystals in her urine, which is a condition that mostly affects male cats. It’s also a condition which necessitates prescription food, so everyone is getting even fancier food now. And b) she has asthma. If it’s seasonal, well, that’s every spring and fall around here. Fortunately, the little witch is very food motivated, so getting her to take her meds with a treat is going well – at least for the moment. She’s a cat, we expect that to change but we’ll take the win while it lasts.

She seldom appears in pictures with the rest of the clowder, so after all of her little issues this month so far – and OMG September is only half over – she deserved a picture of her very own. We even managed to get one where she exhibits a bit of dignity along with her tortitude!

Current Giveaways:

$10 Gift Card or $10 Book in the Summer 2024 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop
$10 Gift Card or $10 Book PLUS EVENT-WIDE AMAZON/PAYPAL PRIZE in the Early Fall Giveaway Event

Blog Recap:

A- #BookReview: This World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
B #BookReview: Fury Brothers: Take by Anna Hackett
A- #BookReview: A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft
B #BookReview: We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, translated by E. Madison Shimoda
Grade A #BookReview: Chasing New Suns by Lance Robinson
Stacking the Shelves (618)

Coming This Week:

Falling Into Leaves Giveaway Hop
The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman (#AudioBookReview)
The Sullivan’s Island Supper Club by Susan M. Boyer (#BookReview)
The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak (#BlogTour #BookReview)
Blood and Magic by Lauren Dane (#BookReview)

Stacking the Shelves (618)

Unlike last week’s stack, this time there are definitely some covers that are outright pretty, The Concealment of Endless Light, The Page Turner, and Rules for Ghosting. The books I’m really curious about are Kills Well With Others and Where the Axe is Buried. Kills Well With Others because it’s the follow-up to the marvelous Killers of a Certain Age, a book which, as much as I really wanted it to be the start of a series, showed no signs of actually being one. But now it is and YAY! I’m curious about Where the Axe is Buried because I’ve enjoyed the author’s first two books, The Mountain in the Sea and The Tusks of Extinction, very much, but neither is like the other so I’m extremely curious to read this one, which does not appear to be like either of his other books.

The book I most want to read in this stack is Murder of a Suffragette. The London Ladies’ Murder Club series, of which this is the fourth after A Body on the Doorstep, A Body at the Séance and A Body at the Dance Hall, has turned out to be quite charming – and I adore the main character. I’ve actually been jonesing for this next book in the series and now it’s HERE!

What about you? What books have you added to your stack this week?

For Review:
The Concealment of Endless Light by Yehoshua November
Kills Well With Others (Killers of a Certain Age #2) by Deanna Raybourn
The Library of Lost Dollhouses by Elise Hooper
Mechanize My Hands to War by Erin K. Wagner
Murder of a Suffragette (London Ladies’ Murder Club #4) by Marty Wingate
The Page Turner by Viola Shipman
Roman Year by André Aciman
Rules for Ghosting by Shelly Jay Shore
The Way Up is Death by Dan Hanks
We Are Free to Change the World by Lyndsey Stonebridge
When We Were Real by Daryl Gregory
Where the Axe is Buried by Ray Nayler

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page

Please link your STS post in the linky below:

Grade A #BookReview: Chasing New Suns by Lance Robinson

Grade A #BookReview: Chasing New Suns by Lance RobinsonChasing New Suns: Collected Stories by Lance Robinson
Format: ebook
Source: author
Formats available: paperback, ebook
Genres: science fiction, short stories
Pages: 202
Published by Lance Robinson on September 12, 2024
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsiteAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBookshop.orgBetter World Books

Seven tales of mind, heart, and spirit from award winning science fiction author Lance Robinson.
From Apartheid era South Africa to humanity's first foray beyond the solar system, from precarious ecosystems in northern Alberta to the shiny glam of time-adept neocolonialists between the stars, these are stories of possibility.

This thought-provoking collection includes: the Writers of the Future Award first place winning story "Five Days Until Sunset"; "Communion", a haunting story of guilt, empathy, and human connection; "Money, Wealth, and Soil", which explores the relationship between greed and nobler human motivations, as a collective humanity attempts to incentivize the restoration of the world's ecosystems; "Problem Solving", a witty satire on neocolonialism and post-modern blahs; "The Thursday Plan", a story of an alternate history in which Apartheid never ended in South Africa; "The Gig of the Magi", a satirical take on finding love while grinding it out day to day in the gig economy; and "Chasing the Sun", which continues the spiritual quest begun in "Five Days Until Sunset".
Chasing New Suns is science fiction with heart.

My Review: 

I first read this author’s short story, “Five Days Until Sunset”, in Writers of the Future, Volume 40, and as you will see from my review of that story below, I loved it. It turned out to be one of my favorites in a collection of mostly excellent stories.

So when the author contacted me about reviewing this new collection of stories, a collection that included a sorta/kinda followup to “Five Days”, I was all in. And as you will also see from my reviews of the rest of the stories in the book, I’m very glad I said “YES!” to the whole thing.

“Five Days Until Sunset” (originally published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future, Volume 40)
In spite of what a whole lot of SF would have one believe, the likelihood is that early colony ships will be a fairly iffy proposition. Which means that this reminds me a bit of Mickey7 but definitely without the humorous bits. Although in this case, it’s not that the planet is barely habitable, but rather that it’s not habitable in the way that the colonists dreamed of. It’s a story about adapting your dreams to your circumstances instead of attempting to force the circumstances to match your dreams. Grade A because the story is good and so complete in its very short length and it even manages to deal well with religion in the future which is really, really hard even in the present.

“The Thursday Plan”
What if? What if history went down a different leg of the trousers of time? What if you could see what is, what was, what might be, and what might have been, all at the same time? What if you could jump between them? That is the dilemma and the opportunity faced by James Mfaxa in a timeline where Apartheid did not end in 1994, but instead continued and became even more repressive with the help of invasive technology that bears a much too sharp resemblance to slave collars – or to an enforcement mechanism of thought police. But that technology – and the jammers used to combat it – give Mfaxa a chance to envision a different world. Not a perfect one – in fact far from it – but a world better than the one he has. If he is willing to take a chance of making his world, perhaps not right but at least right-ER.

I found this to be an A- story in ways that I think are a “me” problem rather than an actual issue with the story. I just didn’t know enough about the history involved for the story to have as big of an impact as it would have for someone who did. And even then it still landed with a thought-provoking bang.

“Problem Solving”
This turned out to be a surprisingly funny story with more than a bit of a sting in its tail. From one perspective, it’s all a bit of a farce, as D.K. discovers that his lifelong run of bad luck isn’t so much bad luck as terrible timing. D.K.’s discovery of this, accompanied as it is by the presence of alien representatives of an intergalactic alliance that give off the whiff of being serious scam artists adds to the fun of the whole thing. The way that D.K. finally manages to take advantage of his combination gift and curse pays off the whole story beautifully. This one isn’t deep – unlike the rest of the collection, and offers a nice change of pace.  Grade B

As I read this one, it reminded me of another story, which I eventually figured out was the story “Nonzero” by Tom Vandermolen in that same Writers of the Future collection that included “Five Days Until Sunset”. Both are stories about humans who have become ‘lost in space’, untethered from whatever ship or habitat they were originally living in. The difference between the two stories is the difference between hope – however tiny – and resignation. Personally, I enjoyed “Nonzero” a bit more because it had that hint of hope – and because the protagonist’s relationship with her AI was considerably more supportive than the one between Matt, Barb, Ismail and Liem in “Communion” as the four honestly don’t like each other much and they are each more alone at their end than the unnamed protagonist of “Nonzero” is with her AI companion.

Pessimists – or perhaps realists – will probably enjoy “Communion” more than “Nonzero”. Readers who do not believe in no-win scenarios will prefer “Nonzero”. This one is a Grade B for me because I prefer that glimmer of hope.

“The Gig of the Magi”
This story is an homage to the O.Henry classic, “The Gift of the Magi”. A story which, in spite of being over a century old at this point, still lands with a beautiful punch – especially during the holiday season. (If you have never had the pleasure of reading the original work, it is still worth a read, and is out of copyright and available free in ebook from multiple sources, while public libraries are certain to have it in their collections.) The story here, “The Gig of the Magi”, updates all of the settings and circumstances, while still delivering the same lovely message as the original. Grade A-.

“Money, Wealth, and Soil”
This is a terrific climate fiction story that manages to both showcase the pervasiveness of human greed and make it the engine of a possibly better tomorrow – even as agents of that greek do their damndest to game a very complicated system. Because that’s what people do. It’s also a story about payback without that payback actually being a bloody revenge, but rather something righteously delivered that hurts absolutely no one who doesn’t deserve it.

This was my favorite in the collection. I loved the way that it made the forces that normally break a system become part of the system, that it counted on human greed rather than pretending it doesn’t exist, and that it created something good out of it instead. And that the right people finally got what they deserved for all the different ways that can be parsed. Grade A+

“Chasing the Sun”
This story is a bit of a quasi-sequel to “Five Days Until Sunset”, and it’s the story I originally picked up this collection FOR. And I was not disappointed. You don’t have to read the earlier story first – although if you read the collection in the order in which it’s presented, of course you will anyway.

By the nature of the worldbuilding, while the people of this world seem to be the descendants of the surprised colonists in “Five Days”, they don’t have much in the way of even ancestral memory of those long ago – by their standards – events. And as a result of the ways their planet interacts with its sun, they can’t put down permanent roots and maintain archives. They MUST carry all their possessions on their backs nearly every single day.

But one of the things that made that original story interesting, and that continue into this later one, is that the original did an excellent job of presenting the multiplicity of possibilities of human religious beliefs in a way that actually worked – and its the descendants of those belief systems that fuel the interaction in this later story – even if some of those beliefs work less well for them in their present circumstances.

At the same time, it’s also a story about pride going before a very big fall, and of the way that clinging to the beliefs and methods of the past prevents people, even an entire people, from adapting to a changed present. And that even the stubbornest of people can learn with the right incentive.

As with the original story, this was also a Grade A story – even though, or perhaps especially because – it is a vastly different kind of story than the one that came before.

Escape Rating A: Overall, as should be obvious from my ratings of the individual stories, I really enjoyed this collection. I will be looking forward to whatever this author comes up with next AND I’ll be looking forward to next year’s Writers of the Future collection in the hope that it will be as good as the one this sprang from.

#BookReview: We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, translated by E. Madison Shimoda

#BookReview: We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, translated by E. Madison ShimodaWe'll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, E. Madison Shimoda
Format: eARC
Source: supplied by publisher via Edelweiss
Formats available: hardcover, ebook, audiobook
Genres: literary fiction, magical realism, translated fiction, world literature
Pages: 304
Published by Berkley on March 8, 2023
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsitePublisher's WebsiteAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBookshop.orgBetter World Books

A cat a day keeps the doctor away…Discover the award-winning, bestselling Japanese novel that has become an international sensation in this utterly charming, vibrant celebration of the healing power of cats.Tucked away in an old building at the end of a narrow alley in Kyoto, the Kokoro Clinic for the Soul can only be found by people who are struggling in their lives and genuinely need help. The mysterious clinic offers a unique treatment to those who find their way it prescribes cats as medication. Patients are often puzzled by this unconventional prescription, but when they “take” their cat for the recommended duration, they witness profound transformations in their lives, guided by the playful, empathetic, occasionally challenging yet endearing cats.Throughout the pages, the power of the human-animal bond is revealed as a disheartened businessman finds unexpected joy in physical labor, a young girl navigates the complexities of elementary school cliques, a middle-aged man struggles to stay relevant at work and home, a hardened bag designer seeks emotional balance, and a geisha finds herself unable to move on from the memory of her lost cat. As the clinic’s patients navigate their inner turmoil and seek resolution, their feline companions lead them toward healing, self-discovery, and newfound hope.

My Review:

Kyoto’s Kokora Clinic for the Soul can only be found if you really, really need it. You’ll probably only even hear the rumor about its existence – and a rather confused and confusing rumor at that – if you are in need of the service they provide.

If there’s an ache in your soul – even if you think that ache is in your mind, and you have the patience to circle the block and not let yourself get convinced that you’re, pardon the expression, barking up the wrong tree, you’ll see a poorly maintained building in the shadows behind newer and much taller ones, down an alleyway that can be found “east of Takoyakushi Street, south of Tominokoji Street, west of Rokkaku Street, north of Fuyacho Street, Nakagyō Ward, Kyoto.”

It’s the place where the young and slightly scatterbrained Dr. Nikké and his taciturn receptionist Chitose will prescribe you a cat for whatever ails you.

Shuta Kagawa is depressed and miserable. His job at a seemingly successful financial management firm is actually hell on Earth, with an absolute demon of a boss. (Not literally. Probably not literally. Comparisons could certainly be drawn). He wants to quit, but he doesn’t want to disappoint his parents. He wants a real life instead of a sentence to purgatory. He thinks that the Kokora Clinic provides some kind of mental health therapy.

Which they do, just not in any way that he imagines. They prescribe him a cat named Bee. And she gives him something to focus on besides his own angst. She changes his life – sometimes willingly on his part, but mostly not so much – and the lives of everyone around him. That the people around him at the end are absolutely NOT the same people around him at the beginning is just part of his cure.

Shuta and Bee’s story is the first thread of a delightful tapestry, that gets woven, one prescription – and one cat – at a time, by two practitioners who know just what it means to leave a part of your soul behind.

Escape Rating B: There are a LOT of books similar to this one, where the central location is mysterious or mythical or just difficult to find, where that place connects a series of stories that at first don’t seem connected at all, where there’s just a touch of magic or magical realism, where the overall experience ends up being a bit bittersweet. Not all of the vignettes have happy endings, but they all have cathartic ones.

I picked this up because I LOVE those kinds of books, and this one has cats, which is always a win for me. Certainly the idea of being “prescribed” a cat caught my imagination, as it did several people who saw this title in my Stacking the Shelves and Sunday Posts where this title was featured. Because really, a prescription for a cat – complete with cat! What’s not to love?

But, if the concept behind the prescription seems a bit familiar, that’s only because it has become so through books such as Before the Coffee Gets Cold and many others. Of the ones I’ve read so far, this reminds me of the most is The Full Moon Coffee Shop, so if you liked that you’ll probably like this and vice versa.

What makes this one work is the way that the prescriptions all have different results. Shuta Kagawa does, in the end, adopt Bee. They rescue each other, which is what often happens with companion animals who become part of our lives and hearts. It’s kind of what we expect in ALL the stories  – but that’s not what actually happens.

In other cases, the cat opens people’s eyes to their own situations. The cat doesn’t need rescuing, it’s the human who needs a different perspective – even if that perspective is that it’s time to let go – whether of a human relationship that isn’t working or holding on too tightly to the grief over the loss of a pet. Different situations require different forms of closure, after all.

The magical realism magic of this story rests in the disappearing/reappearing clinic and its origin story, which the reader is led to slowly and carefully over the course of the book. But the fun magic is that Dr. Nikké’s and receptionist Chitose’s labor of love for both cats and humans becomes so successful over this course of prescriptions that it looks like they’ll be keeping their doors open – when they can be found at all – for a long time to come.

A- #BookReview: A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft

A- #BookReview: A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison SaftA Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft
Format: eARC
Source: supplied by publisher via NetGalley
Formats available: paperback, ebook, audiobook
Genres: dark academia, epic fantasy, fantasy mystery, fantasy romance, romantasy, gaslamp
Pages: 384
Published by Del Rey on September 17, 2024
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsitePublisher's WebsiteAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBookshop.orgBetter World Books

A sharp-tongued folklorist must pair up with her academic rival to solve their mentor's murder in this lush and enthralling sapphic fantasy romance from the New York Times bestselling author of A Far Wilder Magic.
Lorelei Kaskel, a folklorist with a quick temper and an even quicker wit, is on an expedition with six eccentric nobles in search of a fabled spring. The magical spring promises untold power, which the king wants to harness to secure his reign of the embattled country of Brunnestaad. Lorelei is determined to use this opportunity to prove herself and make her wildest, most impossible dream come to become a naturalist, able to travel freely to lands she’s only ever read about.
The expedition gets off to a harrowing start when its leader—Lorelei’s beloved mentor—is murdered in her quarters aboard their ship. The suspects are her five remaining expedition mates, each with their own motive. The only person Lorelei knows must be innocent is her longtime academic rival, the insufferably gallant and maddeningly beautiful Sylvia von Wolff. Now in charge of the expedition, Lorelei must find the spring before the murderer strikes again—and a coup begins in earnest.
But there are other dangers lurking in the forests that rearrange themselves at night, rivers with slumbering dragons waiting beneath the water, and shapeshifting beasts out for blood.
As Lorelei and Sylvia grudgingly work together to uncover the truth—and resist their growing feelings for one another—they discover that their professor had secrets of her own. Secrets that make Lorelei question whether justice is worth pursuing, or if this kingdom is worth saving at all.

My Review:

While it’s true that “academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so small”, that insight is merely the start of this epic sapphic romantasy. Lorelei Kaskel and Sylvia von Wolff have been rival proteges of Professor Ingrid Ziegler for years, vying for their mentor’s time, attention and praise even as they follow slightly different academic paths to the same goal.

A goal that is about to be realized, only for that realization to fall into another familiar saying, that “having a thing is not so pleasurable as wanting”. Both women should have been careful what they wished for, because this particular “ring” comes with a very large and deadly curse.

The kingdom of Brunnestaad has just, seriously just, extremely recently and still somewhat resentfully, been united under its young ruler into a slightly shaky and somewhat fractious union of formerly independent kingdoms that, for the most part, would much rather go back to being independent and all too frequently at war with one another.

King Wilhelm needs a project that will rally all those factions under his banner. Alternatively, he needs a common enemy to accomplish the same thing. A royally sponsored, scientific/magical expedition to find a legendary source of magic and power SHOULD do the trick – and make him unstoppable after all that power is, naturally and of course, delivered to him on a silver platter by the members of the expedition.

All of whom are his best friends, the aristocratic children he grew up with, who all banded together against their feuding, warring parents. He trusts them and he is counting on their personal loyalty even more than their oaths to his unsteady crown.

“Back in the days when wishes still held power”, this story’s lyrical equivalent of “once upon a time”, all of his friends would have been utterly loyal, all of the members of the expedition would have been completely trustworthy, and the fabled Ursprung would have been found easily and without delay and its power would have been granted to him immediately and its presence alone would have been more than enough to solve all of his kingdom’s problems without need for war or bloodshed.

But wishes no longer have such power – not even a king’s.

Howsomever, two members of the expedition are not even among the king’s trusted intimates. The expedition leader Ziegler, who Wilhelm has pretty much held hostage in the capital for years of planning – and her protegee Lorelei Kaskel, a prodigious and prickly scholar who Ziegler plucked from the ghetto her people have been forced to live in for centuries. Kaskel herself is is the ultimate outsider, her people are hated, feared and reviled at every turn, their status is the backbone of nearly every bit of the folklore that she studies, and no one ever lets Kaskel forget it.

In other words, Kaskel is a Jew – although her people are never quite called by that name – this world is in the equivalent of the Middle Ages in its pervasive anti-Semitism, and Kaskel is never allowed to forget that she is at the university on sufferance and is a ready scapegoat for anything that might go wrong.

Only it won’t just be Kaskel who will pay for her mistakes. Her friends, her family, her entire community can be put to the torch if she fails or falls. It’s happened before, and it will inevitably happen again.

When Ziegler is murdered on the very first evening of travel, all the responsibility and all the consequences fall hard on Kaskel’s shoulders. She knows the murderer was one of their company. She knows she’ll be executed if the expedition fails, and she knows that every single person has multiple motives for the crime and that they will all seek to undermine her authority and her decisions at every turn.

She has one hope – and it comes from a source that she isn’t sure she can trust with anything except the sure and certain knowledge that neither of them killed their mentor. Her only ally is her academic rival, Sylvia von Wolff. Together they will find both the source of magic AND the murderer.

All they have to do is stick together – a task that is both much easier and much, much harder than even their long-standing and bitter rivalry would ever have led them to expect.

Escape Rating A-: This book is a lot – and a lot of it is very, very good. Like staying up half the night to finish good. But there were just enough things that drove me crazy to keep it from tripping over the line from A- to A.

Which is going to require more than a bit of explanation.

Both what made this work, and what didn’t, was in the characters. On that one famous hand, we have Lorelei Kaskel and her rival turned frenemy and eventual lover, Sylvia von Wolff. We see the story from inside Kaskel’s head, and we get to see what makes her tick – as well as what ticks her off – from the opening of the story.

But the more we learn from her and of her, the deeper both she, and the story, get. It was clear to this reader that Kaskel’s Yevani people were this fantasy world’s equivalent of the Jews. It’s in the in-world history, in the treatment of her people at this point in world time, it’s in the pervasiveness of anti-Yevani (read as anti-Semitic) folklore. And the language they speak in the ghetto is definitely Yiddish.

In other words, these are my people and it was easy for me to see Kaskel’s perspective and even share it.

That she sees the ease with which Sylvia von Wolff, not merely an aristocrat but the descendant of actual kings, moves through the world, the way that opportunities are handed to Sylvia on a platter and seemingly all her transgressions are swept away, and that it all makes her downright angry is totally understandable. That she believes that everyone looks down on her all the time and that it makes her encase herself in ice as the only defense mechanism she has feels all too real, because they all DO look down on her and her ability to fight back is very much limited by her circumstances.

Which is exactly what makes the romance between Lorelei and Sylvia so much of an opposites attract, wrong side of the tracks affair and makes it so hard for Lorelei to believe is even possible. It has that darkly delicious air of the forbidden and taboo with actually being either of those things in any moral sense.

On that infamous other hand, the thing that made this story not quite hit that “A” mark was the other characters. The story is so focused on Lorelei’s and Sylvia’s dance of romance and hate that the other characters don’t get enough “air time” to be anything more than archetypes – and generally hateful ones at that.

This story is, among its many other parts, a fantasy mystery, and we don’t get enough of any of the other characters to even care whodunnit and why as long as we get to watch Lorelei and Sylvia play “come here go away” games.

At the end, the solution to the mystery felt a bit anticlimactic, while the solution to the political shenanigans didn’t have quite as much depth as it might have because we just don’t have enough outside of the romance.

So if you’re here for the sapphic romantasy aspects of the story – this is one that will keep you up half the night just to see if they manage to get past the obstacles in their way. If you’re here for either the mystery or the epic fantasy, you’ll still be glad to know whodunnit and why, but the romance is definitely the more satisfying side of the story.

#BookReview: Fury Brothers: Take by Anna Hackett

#BookReview: Fury Brothers: Take by Anna HackettTake (Fury Brothers #4) by Anna Hackett
Format: eARC
Source: author
Formats available: paperback, ebook
Genres: action adventure romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense
Series: Fury Brothers #4
Pages: 251
Published by Anna Hackett on September 5, 2024
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsiteAmazon

I share a perfect kiss with a handsome stranger…only to find out that he’s my brother’s best friend.

New Orleans is an exciting new start for me. When I’m not in my lab working on my project, I’m determined to enjoy all the city has to offer. That’s how I ended up at a party hosted by the Fury Brothers.

That’s how I ended up kissing Reath Fury. Six-feet something of dark, handsome, and gorgeous.

When Reath finds out I’m the little sister of his best buddy from the military, he’s not happy.

But then I get attacked in my lab. Someone is after my project. Did I mention I have top-secret military funding? Turns out some very bad people plan to auction my work to the highest bidder.

Now Reath vows to keep me safe. The former CIA agent gives new meaning to the words overprotective and bossy. But spending every hour of the day together makes it impossible to keep our hands off each other.

We agree to keep it our little secret—all sex, no emotions allowed.

But the criminal after my project has a history with Reath, and he’s out for revenge. My brother’s best friend, the man who tells me he doesn’t do love, is the only one who can protect me.

And the only one who can break my heart.

My Review:

They chose to call themselves Fury because that’s what they were when they bonded. All five – at that point VERY young men were in foster care. They were all, individually and collectively, furious at their treatment in the foster home when they met and bonded.

Because their so-called carer was a man who liked to take young male foster kids and break them. He enjoyed beating them to a pulp – because he could. Reath was his special target, because Reath was the youngest and smallest of the quintet – and because he was black and pretty.

But a man who can beat up and beat down one kid can’t necessarily take on five absolutely furious young men who have no one and nothing but each other. Together, Dante, Colton, Kavner, Beauden and Reath got back a whole lot of their own and left – bonded together and filled with fury.

Fast forward a whole lot of years. Those boys are now very successful men – not in spite of what they came from but because of it – and because of each other.

As the saga of the Fury Brothers and the piece of New Orleans they claim as their own has shown, Dante (Fury), Colt (Keep), Kavner (Burn) and now Reath have each been chased down and pretty much ambushed by love – in spite of every single one of them so far proclaiming to all and sundry that love is the last thing they need or deserve. Ever.

Reath Fury is not going to be the exception – no matter how much he thinks he is. He’s not going to be exempted from his brothers’ ribbing him about it, either.

Or, as it turns out, her brother’s – even though the “bro code” is one of the biggest things Reath thinks is standing in the way of any possible relationship between himself and his best friend’s all-too-grown-up little sister.

But Frankie Parker isn’t going to let the ‘bro code’, her overprotective brother, or even a whole gang of mercenaries led by Reath’s literal worst enemy keep her from what she has set her sights on.

Her first goal is to keep her genius biochemistry project out of the hands of anyone who would turn it to terrible ends. Her second goal is to get a reluctant Reath Fury to admit that not only does he have a heart – but that it is already all hers.

Escape Rating B: Take returns to what seems to be the standard pattern for the Fury Brothers series. There is nothing wrong with patterns, they can work very well. Tropes exist for a reason, after all.

The pattern in this series is that the female protagonists start the story out already in trouble – even if, as is the case of Frankie Parker in this story – she doesn’t know it yet. And she should have – or at least have considered the possibility.

It is possible that Frankie simply hasn’t read nearly enough science fiction, or seen enough of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, because she’s had her nose to the grindstone concentrating on her work. Her genius project – and it absolutely is a genius project – screams “super soldier serum” at high decibel volume with a whole phalanx of flying bullets to go with it.

Which is where Reath comes in. Frankie is in trouble. There really are some very bad people out to get her, to take her research – AND her – and sell both to the highest bidder. Because every villain in every world wants to make super soldiers and her project is a shortcut to that particular hellish road.

Reath and Frankie both have reasons for not wanting to get involved. Both have done their damndest to put their hearts on ice and both have succeeded at that terrible ambition entirely too well – except where their respective siblings are concerned.

But as has happened in the rest of this series, Frankie needs protection and Reath can’t seem to resist providing that protection. Then again, he can’t resist Frankie, either, and the feeling is very, very mutual.

They just have to get the villains out of the way first. Which turns out to be a bit more of a challenge than Reath and the rest of his brothers imagined. But they still get the job done.

As much as I liked the characters, and I adore the New Orleans setting, there were a couple of things in this story that tripped me up a bit. As I said, I found it a bit difficult to believe that Frankie didn’t know that her project was obviously capable of being weaponized even if that was not her intention. Likewise, the replacement lab where the climactic kidnapping took place was a screamingly obvious set up.

(Maybe I’ve read too much science fiction. Nah…)

So, a couple of things in this one didn’t quite work for me, but I had a good reading time and I still very much enjoy the series as a whole. Which is a good thing, as there’s one Fury brother – and therefore one book – left in the series. Claim, presumably Beauden Fury’s story, is coming in October. And then the author is on to the book I’ve been waiting for all year, the (still untitled) start of her next Sci-fi Romance series. I can’t wait!

A- #BookReview: This World is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa

A- #BookReview: This World is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-GiwaThis World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa
Format: eARC
Source: supplied by publisher via Edelweiss
Formats available: paperback, ebook, audiobook
Genres: horror, science fantasy
Pages: 176
Published by Tor Nightfire on September 10, 2024
Purchasing Info: Author's WebsitePublisher's WebsiteAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBookshop.orgBetter World Books

This World is Not Yours by USA Today bestseller Kemi Ashing-Giwa is the perfect blend of S.A. Barnes' space horror and Cassandra Khaw's beautiful but macabre worlds. An action-packed, inventive novella about a toxic polycule consumed by jealousy and their attempts to survive on a hostile planet.
After fleeing her controlling and murderous family with her fiancée Vinh, Amara embarks on a colonization project, New Belaforme, along with her childhood friend, Jesse.
The planet, beautiful and lethal, produces the Gray, a “self-cleaning” mechanism that New Belaforme’s scientists are certain only attacks invasive organisms, consuming them. Humans have been careful to do nothing to call attention to themselves until a rival colony wakes the Gray.
As Amara, Vinh, and Jesse work to carve out a new life together, each is haunted by past betrayals that surface, expounded by the need to survive the rival colony and the planet itself.
There’s more than one way to be eaten alive.

My Review:

This one seemingly begins in the middle, and it kind of does, but also kind of doesn’t. Yes, that’s a bit cryptic but sometimes so is this story – in a good, creepy and utterly chilling way.

The chapter numbers count down and not up, and it’s a countdown. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t counting down to anything good, as that first chapter makes it seem like the situation has already gone to hell in a handcart. The second chapter initially made it seem as if the story might be counting backwards, as the people who definitely broke apart in that first chapter are together – or back together – in the second.

It’s only as I read further that I figured out that the chapter numbers were a countdown to something terrible that hadn’t yet happened. As though a bomb was going to explode when the count reached zero – which it sorta/kinda did, but not in the way that I was expecting.

So consider that countdown a shadow of things to come, that whatever it’s counting down towards is going to be destruction, or annihilation, or both. Definitely both.

There’s a saying that “Mother Nature always bats last, and she always bats 1.000.” On the colony world of New Belaforme, it’s at least her third time at bat, and this time she has actual hands to hold that otherwise metaphorical weapon.

And this time around she’s aiming past the metaphorical bleachers all the way around the world and out into the stars.

Escape Rating A-: There are multiple ways to approach this story, just as there are multiple ways that it approaches its ultimate designation as SF horror. Expect to be increasingly creeped out as the story creeps its way into that ending.

But in the beginning, it’s the story of a triad relationship that’s teetering on the edge of self-destruction before it gets tipped all the way over into utter annihilation. Jesse, Vinh and Amara absolutely do love each other, but it’s not a good or healthy kind of love because it’s riddled with lies. Lots and lots of lies.

All of which are based on each thinking they’re not “good” enough for the others – although each has very different definitions of good. They’re all putting up a front, they’re all pretending that everything is hunky-dory, that Jesse is their best friend and Vinh and Amara have a happy marriage – in spite of Amara’s family’s violent disapproval of her marriage to a woman who has no money, no connections and seemingly no prospects.

They cling to each other because none of them have anyone else, and they cling to their still-struggling colony planet because they think they can make a go of it out of the reach of Amara’s family’s vast influence.

It all works, barely, until their colony is invaded by their on-planet rivals, and the resulting rules and restrictions claimed to be necessary for survival and success tear their little world apart by adding an additional player to their game.

And in those myriad upsets of their own private status quo, the planet steps in and uses them for its own purposes. Because it’s had just about enough of its human pests and it’s time to start over. Again.

I have to admit that I was expecting to discover that Amara’s family were actually the “big bad” in this scenario, that they had engineered the invasion in the expectation that their wayward child would return to the suffocating family fold. It’s not like that story hasn’t been told before, after all.

Instead, this is a story where this planet’s equivalent of Gaia manifests as an actual persona, and she has a mission and an agenda to keep the planet in ecological balance at ALL costs. Once she’s decided that the humans are incapable of being anything other than what they are – greedy and rapacious – well, a planet’s gotta do what a planet’s gotta do.

Which is where the horror comes in. It’s very much the SFnal kind of horror, like S.A. Barnes’ Dead Silence and Ghost Station, or Ness Brown’s The Scourge Between Stars, but because this is set on a planet and not in the black of space, the results are different, but just as chilling because the planet gets a say in who she’ll allow to live on her and humans have just not made the cut. And that’s where the horror intersects a bit with the weird and eldritch worlds that Cassandra Khaw plays with our minds in.

Consider this compelling story in the scary borderland between SF horror and fantasy horror, between magical realism and spaceships consumed by monsters out of the black and make sure you read it with the lights on.

But if you had a good, creepy, chilling reading time with any of the above, This World Is Not Yours will creep you right out in the very best way..

The Sunday Post AKA What’s on my (Mostly Virtual) Nightstand 9-8-24

Today would have been my mother’s 96th birthday. Today is also Star Trek Day. I have feelings about both of those things, some of which are even sorta/kinda tied up in each other, albeit indirectly. I watched the final season (and admittedly the worst of the three) of Star Trek: The Original Series, as it was broadcast, with my dad. My mom did not understand what either of us saw in the thing, nor why my fascination with it continued even after the show was cancelled. And, for that matter, still does.

That initial fascination led to a life-long love of science fiction, just as my even earlier initial reading of The Hobbit began a fantasy reading habit that is also still with me.

In dubious honor of that earlier triumvirate, I present to you a ‘Three Cat Night’, with George, Tuna and Luna standing – or should that be lying – in for Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Not that there are any resemblances whatsoever.

Current Giveaways:

$10 Gift Card or $10 Book in the Summer 2024 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop
$10 Gift Card or $10 Book PLUS EVENT-WIDE AMAZON/PAYPAL PRIZE in the Early Fall Giveaway Event

Blog Recap:

Labor Day 2024 (Guest Post by Galen)
Early Fall Amazon/Paypal Giveaway Event!
B- #BookReview: Passions in Death by J.D. Robb
B #BookReview: Crypt of the Moon Spider by Nathan Ballingrud
B+ #BookReview: Follow the Stars Home by Diane C. McPhail
Stacking the Shelves (617)

Coming This Week:

This World is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa (#BookReview)
Fury Brothers: Take by Anna Hackett (#BookReview)
A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft (#BookReview)
We’ll Prescribe You a Cat by Syou Ishida, translated by E. Madison Shimoda (#BookReview)
Chasing New Suns by Lance Robinson (#BookReview)

Stacking the Shelves (617)

It’s not so much that this stack is shorter as it is that the stack of books for which I have covers is shorter. Some of the stuff that’s not being published until next year has eARCs available but no cover art yet. And so it goes.

I’m not sure that “pretty” is a word I would use for this bunch. Interesting, yes, but pretty, not so much. Although there’s certainly a whole lotta purple going on and that’s not bad.

But anticipation, well, I’ve got a TON of that. The books I’m most curious about at Cat’s People and The Museum Detective. The ones I’m most looking forward to reading are See How They Hide, The Tomb of Dragons and of course Scalzi’s latest, When the Moon Hits Your Eye because seriously WTF?

For Review:
Cat’s People by Tanya Guerrero
Countess by Suzan Palumbo
A Dragon of Black Glass (Moonfall #3) by James Rollins
Luminous by Silvia Park
The Museum Detective by Maha Khan Phillips
See How They Hide (Quinn & Costa #6) by Allison Brennan
The Tomb of Dragons (Cemeteries of Amalo #3) by Katherine Addison
When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi
The Will of the Many (Hierarchy #1) by James Islington

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page

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