The Sunday Post AKA What’s on my (Mostly Virtual) Nightstand 8-18-24

We’re back, but I’ve got to admit that my brain is still in another time zone – or on another continent. Maybe both.

However, we had an absolutely GRAND time. Except for the cold we both caught – that bit was less than stellar. But still, a good time was had by all. Except the cats. The picture is actually pretty typical of the first few hours we were home. Tuna looks confused and Luna is clearly pretending NOT to see me.

It’s been difficult to get back into the swing of things. Three weeks is the longest we’ve EVER been away, and I’m still a bit disbelieving that I managed to get nearly everything for the blog done ahead of time. But the long period off is making it hard to dive back in. Also still tired. And jet-lagged. Definitely jet-lagged. Not sorry we skipped that part on the way over by cruising instead of flying.

But it’s still great to be home. Home is where the kitties are!

Current Giveaways:

$10 Gift Card or $10 in Books in the Old School Giveaway Hop
$10 Gift Card or $10 Book PLUS EVENT-WIDE AMAZON/PAYPAL PRIZE in the Late Summer Giveaway Event
$10 Gift Card or $10 Book in the SUMMER 2024 Seasons of Books Giveaway Hop

Winner Announcements:

The winner of the Apple a Day Giveaway Hop is Polly

Blog Recap:

A- #BookReview: Time’s Agent by Brenda Peynado
#BookReview: She Who Knows: Firespitter by Nnedi Okorafor
Grade A #BookReview: New Adventures in Space Opera edited by Jonathan Strahan
A+ #BookReview: Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas
Old School Giveaway Hop
Stacking the Shelves (614)

Coming This Week:

The Hermit Next Door by Kevin Hearne (#AudioBookReview)
The Naturalist’s Daughter by Tea Cooper (#BookReview #BlogTour)
Memories of the Lost by Barbara O’Neal (#BookReview #BlogTour)
The Full Moon Coffee Shop by Mai Mochizuki, translated by Jesse Kirkwood (#BookReview)
Hell Bay by Will Thomas (#BookReview)

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