Old School Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Old School Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

How old does something have to be to be “Old School” and is it a good thing or a bad thing? When is “old school” cool and when is it just plain “old”? As the (old) saying goes, “Inquiring minds want to know,” so answer in the rafflecopter for a chance at Reading Reality’s usual – and possibly now old school – prize, the winner’s choice of a $10 Amazon Gift Card or $10 in Books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more prizes – both old school and new – be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

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67 thoughts on “Old School Giveaway Hop

  1. Old school is what might be considered traditional.
    Old fashioned is what I would consider to be no longer in style.

  2. Old school is what might be considered traditional. Old fashioned is considered to be outdated, no longer in style.

  3. My Old School is a song by Steely Dan from 1973, an Old Fashioned is a cocktail made by muddling sugar with bitters and water, adding whiskey or sometimes brandy, and garnishing with an orange slice or zest and a cocktail cherry. It is traditionally served with ice in an old fashioned glass. You could enjoy both at the same time.

  4. Old school is the way we used to do it and probably still should. Old fashioned is the way we used to do it and would be really strange today.

  5. I personally feel they are the same in ways but old fashioned is what I did many years ago….I am 72 so I have seen a lot of things!!!

  6. I think old fashioned means more like in the 1950′ s – 60’s. Old school means more 1980’s – 90’s

  7. Thanks for the giveaway. They sound the same but I have heard old school used in a more positive connotation with more pride. Old fashioned is sometimes used as an insult.

  8. I think the difference to me is old school reminds me of when I grew up
    Old fashioned I think is when my parents grew up and times were more simple

  9. To me, ‘old school’ has a cool, nostalgic vibe, celebrating classic styles or methods that still hold up today. ‘Old fashioned,’ on the other hand, feels a bit more outdated, like something that doesn’t quite fit with the modern world anymore.

  10. So, I was born in 1969. To me, Old fashioned is things that are from the 1950s and before while old school is things from the way it was in the 1970s and 1980s.

  11. Old school is the describing the behavior of an individual not wanting to change his or her ideas.. Old fashioned is describing the ideas and practices of earlier generations.

  12. They’re both referring to tradition, only “Old School” means by the rule book. Old fashioned is a broader meaning, pretty much.

  13. To me “old fashioned” things are much, much older than “old school” things in the 1950’s to 1970’s.

  14. I don’t think there is a true definition of old school. I think the definition of oldies includes music from the 90’s so I think that is a baseline. I don’t consider it anything bad.

  15. Old-school is the basics in life, taught generation after generation. Manners, hard work, integrity, etc. Old-fashioned must be updated or goes extinct.

  16. Old school something from your parents’ era.
    Old Fashion is something much earlier than your parents or even your grandparent’s era.

  17. Interesting question! I think an old school event/thing is still relevant and kinda cool even after many years while old fashioned is not relevant and not very popular?

  18. I think “old fashioned” is something or someone outdated. “Old school” to me is just preferance. Hope it makes sense! LOL
    Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂 xo

  19. To me, “old school” is kind of out-of-date, and ‘old fashioned” is, also, kind of out-of-date!

  20. i think of old school as being how i grew up, or how i learned to do things
    old fashioned to me is something that is no longer in style or as seen as “back in the day” type rules

  21. I would have to say that “old fashioned” means that something is out of style and no longer practiced. Old school is more recent (20-40 years) and still practiced.

  22. Old school is when you throw back to something that used to be cool. Old fashioned is just a way of doing things the way they used to.

  23. Old school is how things used to be done in the past and it was a good connotation and old fashioned is something outdated and it has a bad connotation

  24. “old school” is retro and trendy; and “old fashioned” is outdated but not have nostalgic value.

  25. Old school would be using hand tools to fix a car, old fashioned would be grandma’s recipes with no shortcuts..lol

  26. Old school for me: listening to old school music or typing a paper with a typewriter.
    Old fashioned for me: Wearing that 1980’s dress with shoulder pads or teasing the bangs in my hair with hairspray and letting my bangs stand up.

  27. Old school will remain cool forever, a positive correlation. Old fashioned is out dated not something you want to do again.

  28. I think Old school means something or someone that you liked in the past for exp. (like they don’t make old movies black and white now, old country songs or bands that have passed on things like that is what I think it means. I think Old fashion refers to something in the past that we use to wear or do back in the old days and now we consider it old fashion.

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