Apple a Day Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the 2024 edition of the Apple A Day Giveaway Hop, hosted by Mama the Fox!

An “Apple a Day” as this blog hop is called, brings to mind the old proverb that goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But that’s probably not the right reference because a) (A is for Apple, after all) that isn’t strictly true, although regular servings of fruits and vegetables do help with maintaining a balanced diet – and b) there’s a reference that works even better this month.

The other ‘proverbial’ apple saying is the poem (and meme) about “An apple for the teacher” and that’s the one that’s more apropos this time of year, as schools start in early August. Here in Gwinnett County they start on Monday, August 5. Which seems a bit early, especially around here, as it still feels very much like SUMMER!

Which it may be according to science, but it isn’t really because it’s BACK TO SCHOOL time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more bright, shiny prizes – just like an apple – be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

71 thoughts on “Apple a Day Giveaway Hop

  1. The kids are not looking forward to going back to school. They have enjoyed the time off and want more of it

  2. It doesn’t really affect us much, we just need to remember to stay away from school zones during drop-off and pick-up times

  3. Peace and quiet. The screeching brats downstairs ( I mean those sweet darling angels), will be headed back to classes.

  4. my son could go the rest of his life with not going back, i on the other hand am ready for a little men time

  5. Yes, my family is definitely looking forward to the Back to School season! It’s an exciting time with the anticipation of new beginnings, fresh school supplies, and reuniting with friends. My niece, Izzy, is especially eager to start a new grade and meet her new teacher. We’ve been enjoying shopping for colorful notebooks, pencils, and fun backpacks. It’s always a joy to see her enthusiasm for learning and the new experiences the school year will bring. Plus, it brings a bit of structure back into our routine, which everyone appreciates after the summer break.

  6. My kids are grown, so I don’t care about back to school! I am looking forward to cooler temperatures!

  7. School for my daughter started on Wednesday for her online academy in Junior year. I agree thought that it definitely is feeling more summer time now than when they were out for summer. Henry County kids started back to school on August 1st.

  8. After years of being a stay at home mom, I now have adult-aged children (who don’t yet have children of their own). So back to school season doesn’t really mean much to me at all anymore.

  9. My children are out of school, but I do enjoy back to school season only because I like the transition into Fall and with that, many happy memories both when I was growing up and my girls as well.

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