Stacking the Shelves (600)

This is the official 600th Stacking the Shelves post at Reading Reality. It hasn’t always been called “Stacking the Shelves” and I haven’t always been the host but here we are lo these many, Many, (MANY) moons later with STS #600. I had to check, and my very first STS was posted almost 12 years ago to the day, on May 5, 2012. OMG how time flies.

This stack is noticeably shorter than the past several stacks – thank goodness!  Most of my committee books have been requested and processed – if not actually read – which means that the stacks should be a bit more manageable for the rest of the year.

In this particular stack, I think the prettiest cover may be a three-way tie between The Teller of Small Fortunes, The Naturalist’s Daughter and Murder in Highbury, although Books Like Sapphires is a MUCH prettier book as a whole.

The books I’m most looking forward to are How to Wear Everything – because I really need to know before our vacation later this summer – and Eight Very Bad Nights. The two I’m most curious about are In the Blink of an Eye, because it sounds a bit like several SF mysteries and I’ve loved all of those so far, and Queen Macbeth because I’m wondering how much it’s like – and how much it’s different – from Ava Reid’s Lady Macbeth, which I’ve already finished and found quite compelling.

We’ll certainly see in the months ahead!

For Review:
Books Like Sapphires by Ann Brener
Burn Book by Kara Swisher
Eight Very Bad Nights edited by Tod Goldberg
How to Wear Everything by Kay Barron
In the Blink of an Eye (Kat and Lock #1) by Jo Callaghan
Lilith by Eric Rickstad
Murder in Highbury (Emma Knightley #1) by Vanessa Kelly
The Naturalist’s Daughter by Tea Cooper
Queen Macbeth by Val McDermid
The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page

Please link your STS post in the linky below:

6 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (600)

  1. Wow! Congratulations on post 600 and continuing this for 12 years. That’s a real achievement. I’m really looking forward to reading Queen Macbeth as I love Val McDermid.

  2. Congratulations!! Thanks for hosting. I haven’t even made it to the triple digits with my number of Stacking posts. Almost there, though! Have a great weekend and week. 🙂
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