LUCKY THIRTEENTH Annual Blogo-Birthday Celebration and #Giveaway!

Today is the LUCKY 13th anniversary of the very first post on Reading Reality, then called “Escape Reality, Read Fiction.” I think the t-shirt that inspired that name is still hanging in the back of my closet.

I’ve been referring to this as the “Lucky 13th” anniversary because I do feel lucky to have lit on the idea of a blog thirteen years ago, and even though blogs are not the force that they were back then, I still feel very lucky every day to have meaningful work to do – even if I had to invent the job myself!

I feel especially lucky this year to be a recipient of the ALA RUSA CODES Louis Shores Award for “excellence in book reviewing”. The award is in recognition of my work here at Reading Reality, my contributions to Library Journal, and my service on several of the Reference and User Services Division’s adult book awards committees over the past 11 years and counting.


And I always feel lucky, that all of you who read my reviews and comment on my posts – and participate in the giveaways! – are out there making this whole thing worthwhile. I appreciate all of you more than I can say.

Which is why Reading Reality’s blogoversary, my own birthday tomorrow, and this whole entire week, are Hobbit birthdays. Meaning that I’m giving away presents every single day as part of the celebration.

Without further ado, in thanks and appreciation to all of you, on this fourth day of my Blogo-Birthday Celebration Week I have a giveaway, just as I have every day this week and will tomorrow. Today’s giveaway is for a $25 (US) Gift Card for Amazon or to a bookstore of your choice if you have a local that sells gift cards over the interwebs. (If you live outside the US and have a local Amazon, the gift card will be the equivalent of $25 US from your country’s Amazon.)

I also have FOUR $25 Barnes and Noble Gift Cards to give away as well. These are physical cards that I’ll mail to the lucky recipients. They are a lucky find from one of my desk drawers, but they are unused and don’t expire so several people will get the benefit of them this year.

As always, from the bottom of my bookish and cat-loving heart, my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who has been part of this journey. There’s more to come!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

52 thoughts on “LUCKY THIRTEENTH Annual Blogo-Birthday Celebration and #Giveaway!

  1. It’s been 13 years? I know I have been subscribed to your newsletter for some time. Congratulations! I enjoy your reviews and I always have such fun with the giveaways.

  2. The wonderful reviews, the giveaways and all of the great features. Congratulations on 13 years!

  3. I like the reviews and also stacking the shelves, both let me know what new books are out there. Congratulations on your anniversary!

  4. I also enjoy your reviews but I must admit I’m addicted to the giveaways too. Congratulations on 13 years, I think I’ve been in the loop for 10 or 11 of them. Have a great day!!

  5. Happy 13 years! I remember way back when you first started! Been a follower for a long time! I enjoy your reviews and blog tours! Wishing you many, many more years to come!

  6. Happy Blogo-Birthday! I so love your blog and come to it every single day. I love learning about new books and I love the giveaways. Thank you so much for all you do and God Bless.

  7. Happy blog-iversary !!! It is a really amazing achievement, especially after the past few years where everything went topsy turvy! My favorite part is the reviews – I always enjoy getting new recommendations

  8. My favorite feature is the reviews. Some of the books you write about are ones I have never heard of, it’s nice to get some recs that way.

  9. Book reviews. I love reading but have such a hard time wading through the thousands of books out there, I really appreciate when people give honest reviews!

  10. I really can’t choose just one book, I’ve found so many great ones through you ! I’d love more mystery reviews and thrillers

  11. I love the reviews so I can learn about more books I want to add to my TBR pile.

  12. I always like reviews and I also like the library connection. I’m a huge library fan.

  13. Happy blogoversary and wishing you many more amazing to come!!
    I love stacking the shelves and reading reviews.

  14. Happy Blogo-Birthday!! I really appreciate and look forward to your reviews..and the neat giveaways! Thanks so much for the opportunity. 🙂

  15. I love your reviews. I have a list of books from the reviews that I am going through, some from the library and on KU. Happy 13!

  16. I love the reviews especially when you feature an author that is new to me. There are so many good writers and I know I will never find all of them but I keep trying.

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