Stacking the Shelves (590)

A bit of a short stack this week, not helped by cutting things off a day early to get stuff done AND the books that don’t have cover art yet.

For Review:
Asunder by Kerstin Hall
Between Dragons and Their Wrath (Shattered Kingdom #1) by Devin Madson
A Jewel in the Crown (Secret Churchill Files #1) by David Lewis
The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer
Murder at King’s Crossing (Wrexford & Sloane #8) by Andrea Penrose

If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page

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11 thoughts on “Stacking the Shelves (590)

  1. I recently added The Lost Story to my wish list. I really like the sound of it. Murder At King’s Crossing also sounds like something I would like. I haven’t tried Penrose’s series, but it’s one of the many on my list I hope to get to someday. I hope you enjoy all of these when you read them!
    Literary Feline recently posted..Waiting to Read Wednesday: Happily Never After / A Great Country / How to Solve Your Own Murder / The Great Zoo of ChinaMy Profile

    1. I liked the sound of Lost Story too. I’ve really enjoyed the Penrose series. If you’ve read C.S. Harris’ Sebastian St. Cyr series and liked those, you’ll like Wrexford & Sloane too. And if you haven’t read those yet, it’s yet another set of books to throw on the TBR pile! LOL
      Marlene Harris recently posted..Stacking the Shelves (590)My Profile

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