Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway Hop, hosted by Review Wire Media and Chatty Patty’s Place!

I’m probably not alone in having let my annual mammogram slide for a year or two during COVID. We probably all let quite a lot of things that shouldn’t be optional be optional during those years. The time for letting that particular test slide has past, so if it’s been awhile for you, it’s time to get that taken care of.

My mother was a breast cancer survivor – although she did eventually succumb to COPD due to her lifelong smoking. But she beat the cancer back because it was caught early due to regular mammograms. So I go in and get my boobs squished every fall just like she did.

The procedure is a bit uncomfortable, and there’s always a bit of nail-biting waiting to get the results, but it sure beats the alternative.

So the question in the rafflecopter is a bit more pointed than usual. Do you, or is there anyone in your life, who needs to be reminded to go in and get a mammogram? After all, the test only helps if you take it!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more prizes, be sure to visit the other stops on this hop!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

85 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway Hop

  1. I do need to schedule an appointment for a mammogram this year, I skipped the last two years because of COVID

  2. no I remember every year to go since 2 years ago they found a lump but it was non cancerous

  3. No. I am a survivor and I call Mondays Monday Mam Day. That reminds me to self check every Monday in the shower.

  4. I worry about my mom because she had colon cancer an I don’t want her to have breast cancer as well. My grandma had breast cancer so my mom and I are at risk.

  5. I just reminded everyone I know. My mom, my sisters, my sister in law. My BFF. Everyone. We already lost a dear friend to this back in 2019 so, all my friends and I are super aware of it!

  6. I have already had mine done and the rest of the women/men in my family are aware of the dangers as well.

  7. Yes, me! I’m 41 and haven’t had one yet. I need to make an appointment with my doctor.

  8. Just turning 36 means that I’m going to have to start considering this. Thank you for the reminder.

  9. I think we all need the reminder about getting a mammogram and other significant tests. Often times the tests are not fun and we avoid them but down the road of life, I think we might wish we had taken a few moments out of our life to do something important for our own health.

  10. The tragic struggle & loss of Olivia Newton-John (RIP) has been a reminder that’s hard to forget. I am donating & walking this weekend in her honor. We are making progress but one life lost to cancer is still one too many.

  11. I don’t personally know anyone who needs a reminder but it is definitely nice to remind when whenever possible to bring awarness.

  12. I’m technically too young for routine mammograms but my mum probably needs a reminder to go and get one as I’m pretty sure that hers is overdue.

  13. My mom and I have already had them this year – but thank you for reminding people about something so important!

  14. Our insurance provider and doctor are good at reminding my wife to get a yearly mammogram.

  15. I do not have anyone who needs to be reminded, but I’d like to add that pets can get breast cancer too (and we human family members have to remember for them).

  16. I have family & friends who are BC survivors and encourage my younger female co-workers to get screened / talk with their physicians about risk !!!

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