So, I spent last weekend plus Monday and Tuesday in all day Zoom meetings. The meetings were great, and we’ll probably do it that way again next year because it works better from so many angles. Lucifer seemed to think the group was his fan club and popped in several times per day to get oohed and aahed over. (We saw everyone’s pets and children over the course of the meeting)
George, on the other paw, tried to excavate the top of my desk, then chewed the cord for my primary monitor, which dropped me out of the meeting and started shooting sparks out of the cord. It got a little too exciting there for a while. The picture below is, of course, George, looking very proud of himself for all the disruption he caused.
But speaking of the meeting, somewhat indirectly…I’m on a book judging committee for the American Library Association called The Reading List, which picks the best books in eight genres of adult fiction. The awards ceremony is tonight so I’ll finally be able to get all the books I picked up for the committee that I ended up not having to read out of my NetGalley and Edelweiss queues.
Followers of the Stacking the Shelves post regularly comment on the number of books I get and wonder how I manage to read them all. Whatever committee I am on in any given year is generally the cause of a lot of the books I get. This year there were 14 of us all throwing books into the committee hopper. We have to read the books we ourselves suggest, and then we have an upvoting and winnowing process. We have to read anything that gets upvoted, no matter who suggested it. By the time something reaches the upvoting process it’s usually well past its pub date and no longer available on NetGalley or Edelweiss. As I much prefer to read ebooks, I request books from NG and EDW as they are put on the suggestion list so I’ll have them if they get upvoted. It’s quite the process.
So we had 96 books to discuss over those four days. Someone referred to it as the “Overachiever’s Book Club” and that’s about right.
Blog Recap:
Martin Luther King. Jr. Versus the Insurance Companies (guest post by Galen)
B Review: Servant Mage by Kate Elliott
A- Review: Emperor by Anna Hackett
A- Review: Lightning in a Mirror by Jayne Ann Krentz
B Review: Shady Hollow by Juneau Black
Stacking the Shelves (480)
Coming This Week:
Obsidian by Sarah J. Daley (review)
Mr. Donahue’s Total Surrender by Sophie Barnes (blog tour review)
The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf (blog tour review)
Light Years from Home by Mike Chen (blog tour review)
The Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn Solomon (review)
The cats (well, Lucifer and George, at least) were understandably miffed at not being the center of your attention.
BTW, Monday’s MLK post was first-rate and I learned something new about a topic I previously thought myself fairly familiar with. I somehow missed that it was a guest post, so belated thanks to Galen.
Lucifer and Hecate LOVE meetings. I’m stuck at my computer but NOT typing so my hands are free to give them all the scritches they deserve. George was just missing his share of the brain cell (all orange cats share one brain cell).
p.s. Galen says “thanks” for the kudos!
Marlene Harris recently posted..The Sunday Post AKA What’s on my (Mostly Virtual) Nightstand 1-23-22