Right this minute, what’s probably on my actual nightstand is my feet. Aching. Trying to secede from the union with the rest of me. Sending messages in expletive deleted wanting to know why I’m torturing them in ways that must be outlawed by the Geneva Convention.
The American Library Association Midwinter Conference is in Seattle this weekend. I’ve never been certain about the thrill of victory, but by Sunday afternoon (the conference officially starts on Friday), I’m all too aware of the agony of the feet. Or at least my feet.
Possibly also my back. I can pick up all the ARCs I want. Not just because I’m a librarian, and I’m who they are here for, but also because I don’t have a problem shipping them home. I am home!
But books, as we are all too aware, are damn heavy. Especially when you are carting them around with you all day like a turtle with its house on its back. (This is part of the reason why I’ve gone for ebooks in such a big way. My iPad weighs exactly the same, no matter how many books are in it!)
I’m going to try really hard to only pick up print ARCs for stuff I truly want to read. The galley guide that came out this week showed that a lot more publishers were planning to have NetGalley widgets available, so I’m hopeful. We’ll see.
By the time you read this, the Happy Endings Blog Hop will have ended. I’ll announce the winner next week.
There are other giveaways that still have plenty of time left! Lacy Danes is giving away a Favorite Things Prize Pack and a Kindle Fire on her tour introducing her Dragon’s Fate series.
Stacy Gail is awarding a $25 Amazon Giftcard to a random commenter on her tour for the first book in her Earth Angels series, Nobody’s Angel.
And finally, you can win a copy of Stacey Kennedy’s new book, The Cat’s Meow, by entering the giveaway here. This cat is definitely worth meowing over!
Now that I’ve teased you, here’s the complete list of last week’s posts:
A Review: Freeman by Leonard Pitts, Jr.
B Review: Waterfall by Lacy Danes
Author Interview with Lacy Danes + Giveaway
B Review: Nobody’s Angel by Stacy Gail
Guest Post: Stacy Gail is Making Heroes + Giveaway!
A- Review: The Cat’s Meow by Stacey Kennedy
Guest Post: This or That with Stacey Kennedy + Giveaway
A- Review: The Hunter by Theresa Meyers
Stacking the Shelves (31)
There is life after conference, even if my poor feets disagree. So what’s happening this week?
The big event will be the SFR Galaxy Awards. On Thursday, I think all the judges (except Jo Jones, she’s on an around the world cruise!) will be talking and blogging and tweeting about these absolutely fantastic awards for books we loved in science fiction romance in 2012. For the complete details on how the SFR Galaxy Awards came to be, head on over to The Galaxy Express and Spacefreighter’s Lounge. These ladies were inspired by Ursula K. LeGuin, and I ask you, who better?
Ok cupcake I do hope your feet have recovered by now. It does sound like a lot of fun. If I lived there, I think I’d take a kid’s wagon with me…LOL Hope you got some awesome books!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted..The Sunday Post #40 ~sharing blog news and book haul